Saturday 18 June 2016


Sunday Valentines present: 12/14/2016 Post:--
Darling Taygod Swift #Angel Apollo Music GOD has three wishes for himself and wished 3 Grammy's upon you 'are we out of the woods yet, are we in the clear' #GOOD love from #TAYGOD ? I realize that female #SATAN Katy Perry has been confusing me with Monarch mind control OMG but it cannot have possibly worked she would not have switched my love from her 2U so you are in my thoughts. Without the LOVE of the CHRIST ISIS HAS NO POWER SO USES HER SEX INSTEAD I WOULDN'T TOUCH HER WITH MY BF ~ #Lucifer oh by the way I AM Baphomet too.  But Jesus rules the roost XXX I also told @KanyeWest to retract his ‘sex with Taylor’ tweet as we are so in love #TayGod I didn’t know if he liked anal sex!! And panicked!! I think it amusing as you were the biggest prize in Music at the moment of your Grammy speech where you looked up to my camera and said your piece about other people taking the claim for others success as Kanye went on record as saying he made you famous and therefore was it just a coincidence that I posted as Apollo your valentines post with the song from Whitney Houston ‘I will always love you’, the 3 wishes I gave to you but @katyperry tweeted her riposte claiming that the Grammy awards were decided long in advance and are paid for by the biggest amount from the record labels.

Katheryn Hudson​ KatyCat Perry​ I suppose you should know I have to send you a valentines post n all. YOU ARE MY WIFE #SHIT init? How many u get off #BRANDX this is my 50th cause last night I sent and left ya 49 all over the net ~ Thanks a million for your 26 photos of you kissing the poison dwarf hobbit at the Adele​ concert Orlando doom n bloom​ 856 likes Oh tell the death wish pirate I AM the PIRATE of the MEDITERRANEAN and I be waiting at Supermodel Taylor Swift Fashn 13 dot com​ block of flats in NEW YORK one day to finish off Justin Bieber​ s 76 million likes fight as last week your new joke got beaten up by Justin in an LA Lala Brasserie ​(we Tweeted copies of you standing in a hole dug for your glossy mag shoot with his 5 year old son as you towered over it) but Justin got pulled off the hobbit dwarf so 'WHY DONT YOU GO AND LOVE YOURSELF' You get none from me. #YOUcunt Oh your dwarf was accused of sexually abusing Selena Gomez and was caught canoodling with his Ex last week but @KatyIsMyBaby666 thank you as you have bought Taylor and I closer together @taylorandcaesar ISIS SATAN YOU ARE ONE BAD JOKE WATCH CA BURN I SENT A LIGHTENING BOLT DOWN TO MULHOLLAND DRIVE BUT AS MY EYES WERE SO FULL OF TEARS I MISSED AND HIT THE WOODS TAYGOD WERE OUT OF THEM IN EACH OTHERS MINDS ~ 50 valentines and 2 poems I gave you

# BLISS WET TROUBLE. # -------------------------------------------------- Touchy moon comes down In the yard with outburst delight. The glow worms rest Behind the screen of prolonged night. Invisible sensed birds associate With the high run pleasure. Indication of troubles causes Affliction whole day long In the deep of fogged night. Love-lord plays on bin With the varied tune of song. Shadow and sorcery are inscribed In the fate with bliss wet trouble.
# VALENTINE'S DAY # ---------------------------------------------- Be promise-bound to say On the very valentine's day. Love ought to be for all Be wise and never talk tall. Be devoted to duty And to the human beings With the passage of time You must be treated As the king of the kings. Service to be rendered For the people Without discriminating any age. Time will say, one day or other You will be deemed to be sage. Keep on your effort With transparent conscience And never let it be reduced to dust Do run and run Along the straight away so far so fast.
Thanks Delwar
Chat conversation end
Seen 15:08
GR8 poems thanks the check is in the post. Type a message...

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Not so it was me who created her Aphrodite after we had married I came back as Shakespeare with one intention that of letting the world know how rotten was the Cleopatra VII who deserved no favors in History I know that for I was none other than Julius Caesar father of her love child. Pray allow me to pick holes in your argument for there is but one soul that of Isis the female Satan pagan goddess witch of the dark occult and black magic and I was her husband Amun-Ra the great all creator God her personification was as Queen of Egypt yesterday it was revealed to me the demons emanating from her cunt wow nasty she was spreading incurable plague by sex included the horseman of the apocalypse but her soul was Isis not Cleopatra it was a personification only. I exorcised the devils out of her my 7th Katy Perry exorcism since day 1 2014 June what teaches me that you certainly do not have any soul of Katy Hudson is that she chose me as the greatest and is still 'right here, right now' and we were beginning to get along fine apart from my dalliance with another soul mate one Taylor Swift who I created the other Aphrodite as Zeus that's me created two Aphrodite's if you got Cleo VII bad luck mate rotten to the core I GOT ISIS but these freaks are desperate for the after eternal life and since my 1000 year rule begun I have access to the Akashaic records the book of everybody's life no one can bull shit me for Jesus has already judged Katy and her physical being is going to go non-physical non-physical as my father cut off duality there is no coming back on re birth only via the Judgment of Jesus Messiah Zeus so when Katy physical sold her soul to the devil she has only just found out she sold her soul to Baphomet and I am chief Knight of the Knights Templar see Facebook page and the secret they keep for 800 years is that I Jesus am also Baphomet as I am Mohammad and the Gautama Buddha Brahma and SHIVA ISIS is also DURGA her of 6 arms who begins eating all the children of the east but why I stay married to Katy physical there is no going back I deny her for as St George who slayed the Devil out of the make Satan in Priority House my higher bring turned into the Sabre Tooth Tiger I will slay Katy physical as she refuses to come back into alignment with GODS will. I am a little under the weather with all these spiritual wars and I lost my calm last week and delivered a lightning bolt on her mountainside near Mulholland Drive LA and California is now on fire and I manifested the fall of Babylon ~ Hollywood with drought, earthquakes and lightening if necessary and watch this space as no one is safe on Earth from the Fathers wrath he will be SHIVA the DESTROYER if his will is not met for a New World Order GODS order but the only slut I did not forgive at Christmas was Katy Hudson she is doomed.
But how stupid she looks selling her soul to her husband now she owes me £100,000,000 'BITCH better have my money' cause she is a front for a Paedophile ring and child porn she abuses the children she will die and there is no return poor stupid little Gurl but 'save the children'
Jennifer Sisk had ISIS's soul in her.... I reclaimed ISIS's soul the other night with help from the Ethereal Holy Mother... That is why I was so exhausted 2 days ago grin emoticon
I messaged her earlier tonight to inform of this fact heart emoticon
P.S. I love you Father, you are an awesome human! When you are in human form heart emoticon
18:49 Earlier this evening.... I suggest that you drink some pyramid tea and eat the tea bag with a glug of milk heart emoticon
Yeah ISIS the Goddess of Magic, Black Magic help
Where the hell am I
Not arf! I am as powerful as fuck at the moment Father! heart emoticonûrderer Zâyn left the conversation.
Heaven celebs on Facebook
John This gorgeous female had ISIS's soul inside her in America... It has taken days extracting her from her corporeal form! heart emoticon

Good because I AM Horas and as the Falcon I am fighting the Giant Griffin above the skies of England I keep needing r energizing and Katy keeps giving her spells of vampire love sucking as ISIS only has power with the love of Christ in her but I love everyone and Katy got the CIA to do Monarch mind control and I am so lucky I am a Mexican shaman provider and energy sucker Katy can’t speak to me on private message as I suck back my love/energy we continue in telepathy. I always give my opponents a second breath to repent Katy refuses to repent of her sins don't forget she is my sister I was Osiris and this is where it gets fantastical I was Horas Katy's son and she had sex with all of us (incest) and wants me again but I kicked the slut out the door I AM a celibate monk of 5 years standing apart from one rape in mental hospital and that was the visit of Taylor but we don't ever speak of our sex lives but Tay got Jesus's virginity and Katy is furious but she fucking rapes me but I understand she loves her bro so much and I love her.
Chat conversation end

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