Saturday 18 June 2016


OMG I could sit here writing up all sorts of #nice things about this photo LIKE what each character means to me in a vibration vortex as a #KATYPERRYFAN but what is the point? Because if I say "what is the infinite reality thing about each character"? 'EVERY PICTURE TELLS A STORY' SO I have a story about every character but who would I tell? To be honest I was never "there" myself but Katy sings 'PART OF ME' so only a 'PART' of me was there too. ANALYSE BY NUMBERS: 1 picture 5 images as 'PARTS' 1 picture as a whole. 1+2+3+4+5=15. I use numbers as they are exact an exact science so what of the numbers: 1= A PERFECT NUMBER. The 1st picture [Left2Right] (1st story that enters my head) means to me the B.I.T.C.H. who lied and cheated and possessed my heart = She was the 'honey-trap' and LIKE all bad traps created without LOVE or THOUGHT or UNDERSTANDING ~ If you trap a wild animal the first thing a real hunter knows by instinct is 'FEED IT' how the FUCK is a stupid insecure insane naste mind controlled ugly fuck-wit POP Tart weazle RAT good4nuthin masturbatory object of H8 who subjugates herself to the superiority of men with the one image that stands out from these images is one of the slut being an 'in ya face' #cocksucker going to control a WILD ANIMAL ONCE SHE HAS TRAPPED TIT IF TITS HUNGRY AND THEN SHE KEEPS IT STARVING? ANSWER: 'IT WILL TEAR (drop explodes) US APART' Only IAM immortal so in our cage the Hunter By The Grace Of God Katy Perry Is Purrfect better be very very wary. Because the slut bows down in front of men on her hands and knees and sucks herself being photo'd for #MEN to #HATE #HER Katheryn Elizabeth it has a #DEATHWISH it traps and marries the Wild Animal then LIKE ALL PSYCHOPATHS IT TORTURES THE WILD ANIMAL AFTER IT IS TRAPPED FOR 2 YEARS. THE STUPID SLUT TRAPPED THE SABRE-TOOTH TIGER THE TOP PREDATOR ON EARTH, @Yassminekatycat CAN YOU NOT SEE THE ERROR OF YOUR WAYS? ARE YOU SUCH A NOD IS AS GOOD AS A WINK TO A DARK HORSE? AN INSANE THICK LUMP OF MEAT N BONE TO THINK THAT THE TOP PREDATOR IN HIS STARVING TRAP OF HATE CRUELTY AND TORTURE AN IMMORTAL GOD OF A TIGER WOULD NOT WAIT PATIENTLY FOR THE SECOND YOU LEFT A CRACK IN THE DOOR? ANSWER: "Of course IAM gonna tear you apart limb from limb and rip the flesh from your bones and eat you then chew your marrow from your bones and leave you unburied for I SHARE WITH VULTURES". #METAPHORICALLY Then shit you out Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson and use your very nice out of date out of fashion clothes for toilet roll YOU ARE WORTHLESS Oh Hang on she owes me $100,000,000 #BITCH BETTER HAVE MY MONEY Riri Grande


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