Saturday 18 June 2016

Katy Perry's Dad Calls Her a "Devil Child" And Asks People to Pray For Her

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's photo — celebrating Valentine's
 with Katy
 and 19
 at Thebes
Tours International
Katy Perry takes a photo for her fans as
she selflessly takes a break on the red carpet after cleaning up over 50 awards
before her 31st birthday by not attending the Grammy award ceremony February
2016 rumoured to allow the other Queens of POP their moment in the spotlight as
Katy takes a well learnt break from the spotlight to concentrate on her new
As part of Billboard's Fan Army Face-Off
2015, we've asked people to write about what being part of the fandom means to
them. Read below for an essay from John Rumary Katy Perry fan, who are called
the KatyCats.
world can be harsh and cruel at times. Sometimes people feel alone, unloved or
unwanted. But being a KatyCat, you feel like you belong. We are a family; a
big, loving, crazy, amazing family! We are from all over the world. We are all
different ages, colours, orientations, religions, etc. None of that matters.
It's all about uniting as one and sharing our passion and love for Katy and her
music. Katy herself treats us like family. She cares about us, and she loves us
just as much as we love her. She goes out of her way to make us happy. She
proudly calls herself our mom (even those who are older than her, I AM aged 55,
it doesn't matter, she's still Mom). Katy Perry, John Mayer, Woody Harrelson
Celebrate Fourth of July 2015 with the Grateful Dead .She is a wonderful role
model with a strong, positive message. She gives us confidence. She empowers us
and encourages us to always try our best. She shows us that although life is
not always perfect, and sometimes it can be very difficult, we can get through
and overcome anything. There is no judgment. Katy does not judge us, nor do we
judge her or each other. We are there for one another. Katy's music touches our
hearts and breathes life into our souls. She spreads the light (goodness) and
inspires all of us to spread it too. We all have so much fun together and we
share an unbreakable bond. Katy and the KatyCats have changed my life and I
wouldn't trade them for the world!’ · FACEBOOK jesuschristofpalestine· TWITTER
@KatyIsMyBaby666· EMAIL ME
became a KatyCat in June 2014 Official poached from the Blondie Fan Club where
Debbie Harry offered him $14,000,000 to stay as he is Apollo GOD of Music &
Lyrics & Prophecy, the Magician who had taken Blondie from a Saturday night
slot on New York cable TV to at the time of Union City Blues release he had
helped them become the biggest band in POP Music worldwide. Katy offered John
her hand in marriage, a face lift, a never ending round the world trip of sex,
drugs and rock n roll, introductions to all Katy’s contacts in the Music
Industry, unconditional love, an eternity close to Katy at all times, Christmas
charity singles, help to put on a live aid ‘Feed all the World’ concert, a
Lamborghini, 50% of Katy’s earnings and net worth from June 2014. John and Katy
immediately fell in love at first sight because they were soul mates, lovers
from a previous life and married within days of making contact, the photo of
Katy as the marrying type, jizz wouldn’t melt in her mouth strictly well
behaved school ma’am look at the top was released the Saturday morning after
the Adele concert on the Friday night; full details below which was the hottest
news in Hollywood as Apollo was in the UK and Apollo who had secured Katy the
Superbowl gig and had increased her annual earnings 200% to $135,000,000 making
her the highest paid entertainer on Earth had written her most successful ever
hit Dark Horse and Number 1 TIHWD and took her to the Number one Queen in Music
and guaranteed her Prismatic World Tour to make her the number one Female
Liveshow on Planet Earth and gave Katy just the one condition ‘NO INFIDELITIES

Perry and Orlando Bloom dropped any pretence of being just friends as they
publicly kissed at a concert in Los Angeles on Friday night.
Ignoring Adele on stage, and the star-studded balcony crowd surrounding
them, the two faced inward, making it clear they were a couple.
Tom Hanks and Robbie Williams danced away enthusiastically in the
seats beside them, Katy grinned happily as an obviously besotted Orlando
lent in to plant a kiss on her face.


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